Alright, now that we got the formalities out of the way, let's talk art and stuff! I'm starting pre-production on my Animation piece for the portfolio project. I'm going to be talking a lil more about story in a later blog post, as I'm still sorting through a lot of that. For now though I want to show you guys a little bit about the character I have in mind and some of the concept art and sketching I have done for her!
Let me introduce you to!!!!.......Well, I don't have a name for her, it's a bit of a complex topic that I can't talk about yet. A lot of this project is going to be largely autobiographical and is something I'm still working through currently. I'm going to be revealing quite a lot about myself, my personality, my identity, and my struggles so I want to make sure I cover each of these carefully while also giving myself the ability to figure this stuff out on my own. I think as the project develops, a lot of you will be able to piece together what this whole thing is all about, and I think that's kinda the point. I want to be as open and honest as possible in this blog, it's kind of working as a way for me to work out all of this mess, but that's going to require me to be a little more comfortable with the direction I'm taking before I do that. GOD THIS SOUNDS SO CRYPTIC, I promise it will make sense soon. For now though let's forget about this dark stuff and talk a little more about my art process.
So how did this character come to be? Well it all started out with a lil doodle I did while sitting around in math class (I swear it helps me focus!). I, for some reason, really attached myself to this lil doodle. I took her and tried to give her some more personality by putting her in my sketchbook and trying to develop her character a little bit more. I did some sketches in some sort of action and also tried to figure out what type of outfits she would wear. She became very easy to draw and was quick to tell apart and recognize, something super important for animated characters. I developed a scene she could be in, put her in a 3d environment, made her a pixel art talking animation, wow I did a lot for this character now that i look back on it. Then it all clicked together for me.
This Click together moment is something that I'm going to keep on talking about, its the moment when all the disjointed ideas and concepts in my mind and in my work suddenly aligned together, and it all happened when I had one huge, but incredibly scary realization. This is something I want to cover more in depth in my story post, as it relates a lot more to that. But basically, this character was not just any throwaway character, it was a manifestation of something fighting back inside of me that wanted out. A way for me to express my inner self when I couldn't outwardly do it myself. I think a lot of you probably understand what this is about and what direction I'm going in, and for those who don't well, I'm not going to tell you just yet(it's scary!).
and another which I will be talking about soon. So far I'm v e r y happy with how she's turning out, and while the work is not finished I still have gotten the chance to experiment a little with the art direction of the piece. Now of course I am not going to be this detailed and experimental when doing the actual animation, I simply don't have that time and budget. However, this gives me the chance to at least figure out the direction I wanna take this stuff. I'll talk to you guys a little more about the lil demon character you see in the background as this lil goober is just as important, but for now, thanks for reading and I hope you all are just as excited as me to see this!
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