
Character Design


Ta da! A character Design Sheet!

I liked where I was going with the design of the character in one of my previous blog posts, but it definitely felt as if I needed something to have around to reference.

 A friend recommended me the name " In my Head" since the film is all about intrusive thoughts. I thought this was pretty good so I added it for now to at least identify it and ill see if I keep it later. When I sat down and sketched out this first draft of the design today, I felt as though it is still lacking in some ways. 

I envisioned this character being portrayed as a punky, outlandish, and bashful young person, but only when we are looking into their thoughts. In reality, they are genuinely kind and just have a lot going on to handle. 

To solve this, I think ill rework the character a little bit by pushing the design elements to be more exaggerated. I have always heard from industry professionals that, especially in animation, pushing proportions and exaggerating design are two key components to enhancing the visuals and portrayal of a character and story.

So for example, I can add a big round smiley face onto their shirt covered by the jacket to show that they are open to being kind but have to get out of their comfort zone to do so. I can also make their outward design to be sharper with things like the ponytail. 

Right now I'm working a lot on the backgrounds and 3d models so that's what my next blog post will probably be about.

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