
3D? 2D? Ah who cares, I just like moving things around.

So then why 3d animation? After all, It's most likely easier, less time-consuming, and overall a more relaxed workflow to film this in live-action. Well, I wanna discuss a little bit in this blog post why I have chosen the medium of 3d, and how it will ultimately benefit the production of this piece.

With the situation, we are currently dealing with, I am absolutely mortally terrified of going outside, and I doubt I wouldn't have to if I were to do this live-action. I think it would also just be very difficult to make an entire film opening without having a crew to assist with lighting, acting, camera operation, and more. The thing is over years of working in the medium, 3d animation has become a key part of my toolset that I can comfortably and fluently work with. With this in mind, I should be able to stay inside and not have to worry about catching any sort of crowned virus. If I need any line recorded, I can ask friends and family if they can help out with the project, and if I need any sort of texture or asset for my film, that shouldn't require me to come in contact with anybody.

3d animation is something that is deeply important to me that I would love to pursue as a career. Getting the chance to work on a large-scale project to add to my overall portfolio will help me to develop my skills, apply to college, and possibly break into the industry.

The medium is also just highly underrated, and something that can be used to tell more than just family-friendly stories. There seems to be this misconception about the medium in where general audiences believe that its only purpose is to tell stories that will have lively, round, and overall fun characters for the entire family, but this could not be further from the case. Throughout the creation of my film, I wish to address this problem and show audiences that Animation in general has the possibility to tell stories that are much more complex and intriguing. 

Not only that, the actual techniques of 3d Animation can be implemented in more ways than one, for example as background art for pieces mainly focused on 2d, or as block-ins to later be filled in. This means that even though I will most likely be focusing on producing a piece in 3d, I don't have to be shy about experimenting with other interesting techniques if it fits the story I try to tell.

I hope I was able to layout a good case as to why Animation as a whole is an interesting medium that can be used to tell important stories, and why it should be used for my film.

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